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Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
Fixed issue causing extended decimal places in readings.
Changed network layer to prioritize sending readings.
Added additional logging to ping packet.
Increased watchdog timeout for network layer.
BSSID and SSID now included in debug information.
SSID and DHCP now included in network settings packet.
Detection of board revision and updated power control logic.
Reduced packet frequencies of ping and config. Added button on network settings
page to send a ping packet.
Removed block on having multiple multi-channel pods attached.
Fix for connection to WEP networks.
Fixed bug in data export of dicksonware file.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
Adjusted packet intervals to use increased rate before registration and for 1 hour after being registered.
Fixed issue in wrapping functionality which can cause block chain errors.
Implemented patch routine to fix errors.
Fixed bug causing packet intervals to not update to slower rate correctly.
Fixed issue with readings having increased decimal places when sent to web.
Fixed bug causing min/max clear time not being saved correctly.
Further optimized power consumption when on battery.
Changed network layer to prioritize sending readings.
Added additional logging to ping packet.
Increased watchdog timeout for network layer.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
Dropped support for SSL version less than TLS 1.2
Changed No AC message to only be shown when running on internal battery.
Updated thresholds corresponding to battery segment levels on LCD.
Added SSID to configuration packets.
Fixed issue with channels not cycling when on battery power.
Added indication of critical battery level when running on external battery.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Disabled support for all SSL versions lower than TLS 1.2 to match website.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Changed wifi connection logic to scan and choose best bssid when connecting.
- Fixed bug causing screen to not display when booting from low power mode.
- Changed labels on information screen from Pod to RS.
- Added reset of LCD peripheral to address white screen issue.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Changed rtc fallback date to 12/17/15
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
Fixed issue with debug printing causing crashing when usb stick plugged in.
Increased readings timeout to work with thermocouple pods.
Fixed issue with graph scale not being saved to settings.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Fixed low memory issue related to new ssl certificate
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Fixed negative maximum values not being display correctly on statistics window
No impact |
No testing needed |