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Description |
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Recommendation |
This release marks the initial production release for the RFG 1.2.0 production firmware.
No impact |
No testing needed |
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Recommendation |
- Updated SSL Cipher Suite
- Implement Additional Differential Pressure Units
- Audible Calibration Alarm was replaced with a calibration alarm pop up
- Downloading data from TSB using DicksonWare 2.0 with USB cable
- Add Sensor Port to Readings Packet
- Added backup settings to prevent devices from resetting their own settings
Low impact |
No testing needed |
- Enterprise Connection attempts Authentication with Username GSN
- Alarms triggered at alarm set value
- Sensor swaps caused device reboot
- Logger would not report model SKU to DicksonOne
- Calibration warnings on the device displayed the wrong port number
- Clearing the Min/Max with a probe error caused high Min/Max values
- Device does not boot up from a low power state
- Parse Incoming Proxy Settings through API
- New channels are not created properly when swapping different sensor models
- Device does not send readings packets while still sending ping and configuration packets
- Units lock up and reboot
Minor impact |
Check new functionality |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
This release of marks the initial production release for the RFL’s 1.0.0 production firmware.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
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Recommendation |
- BSSID to be included in API logs
- Option to export Partial (Since Last Export) or all Historical Data (Entire History) have been added
- USB icon flashes on the display when taking a screenshot
- Min/Max has been added to the Text Display View
- A button to reset the Min and Max has been added
- Viewable characters have been expanded for the device name on the screen
- Dallas/Sensiron Pod Replacement to improve sensor swapping
- Connection improvement has made to adhere to Access Point hopping based on RSSI values
- WiFi Scan List has been improved to display more SSIDs
- Thread IDs are now reset properly when performing a factory reset on the device
- The label for Device Code has been renamed to Registration Code to mirror DicksonOne
No impact |
No testing needed |
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Recommendation |
- Updated RTC fallback time to 1/8/2019 midnight GMT
- Added functionality to update RTC fallback time to time of most recent message from D1
- Fixed issue where replaceable sensors with different sensor types couldn’t properly replace one another.
- Updated firmware will show new firmware version without need for reboot
- Fixed issue where config packet was sent on battery power
No impact |
No testing needed |
- Added rounding functionality to ensure display readings match what is shown in the DicksonOne interface
Minor impact |
Check new functionality |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Adjust real-time clock’s offset to account for drift (mainly for TSBs or TWE/TWPs used without DicksonOne)
- Changed default sample rate to 5 minutes instead of 1 minute
No impact |
No testing needed |
- Resolved bug where battery may be drained too quickly.
- Resolved bug where USB exports attributed readings to the incorrect serial number
Low impact |
No testing needed |
Firmware version 1.9.8 is an identical release of 1.9.6 (since pulled from production servers) with the addition of the security certificate necessary to continue communicating beyond the phase out of a specific security certificate by Google.
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Includes new SSL Certificate for continued communication between device and DicksonOne Servers.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where additional channel(s) was being created based on sensor type for RTMP sensors
- Reduced the size of ping packets to reduce watch dog timeouts caused by the ping packet
- Pairing/registration code is now the highest priority and will be displayed over all other messages (e.g. errors)
- Fixed multiple bugs allowing for devices to be properly configured reset at factory
- Fixed bug related to large numbers of sensors being connected over time
- Removed legacy code/functionality where ping packets were being sent every 6 hours when device was on battery
- Fixed issue with readings not being sent due to processing constraint
- Fixed “No AC” error message to appear whenever the device runs on battery
No impact |
No testing needed |
Improved Network Communication
- ARP cache cleared automatically after 20 minutes to allow device to connect to new access points
- Improved WiFi roaming to allow device to jump between different access points
No impact |
No testing needed |
- Added support for reporting connection status to new Network Connection App
No impact |
No testing needed |
Device Exports
- Improved performance of USB file export; short button press now exports all data since last export and long press exports all data
Low impact |
No testing needed |
This update is required for continued operation of your TWE/TWP after October 12, 2018.
Description |
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Recommendation |
This is the same as the pervious version (2.4.27) but has the new security certificates to address Google’s decision to distrust some existing certificates.
No impact |
No testing needed |
This update is required for continued operation of your DWEs after October 12, 2018.
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
This is the same as the pervious version (1.4.4) but has the new security certificates to address Google’s decision to distrust some existing certificates.
No impact |
No testing needed |
Description |
Impact |
Recommendation |
- Patch for graph plotting and USB data export
- Update to Ping/Config Packet interval during catch-up
- Patch for Proxy over Ethernet with HTTPS functionality
- General improvements to Ethernet communication (non-proxy)
- Add ping packet button popups
- Implement differential pressure functionality
- Update for displaying differential pressure data on display and USB export
- Adjustment to the humidity min/max custom setting button
- Update to differential pressure .csv export to display data up to 3 decimal places
- Update to diff pressure .loj export to enable data up to 3 decimal places
- Data export to Flash drive (Differential Pressure)
- Implement validation to verify a block is empty and available for immediate use
- Enable backwards compatibility with 2.1.4 (Current Production Version)
No impact |
No testing needed |